
Getting Underway: SIFA, Patient 62, ABMO Films, and Extras Wrangling

Remember all those extra St. Nickel was calling for? Well, now they need someone to manage them. See the job posting for an extras wrangler at MFM.

The Saskatchewan Independent Film Awards (SIFA) are accepting submissions; though it’s designed to showcase the work of Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative members, you can sign up as a submitter if you’ve lived in Saskatchewan for at least a year. Full details are here; thanks to SMPIA for passing the word along. Also for announcing . . .

Patient 62 is now in production. SMPIA member Rick Anthony wrote this sci-fi/action story of a man in search of his missing sister, who realizes “the nightmares he’s having are not his own.”

(Via PRNewswire)There’s a new film distribution company on the Canadian market, and it’s picked up February, a horror film that premiered at TIFF. ABMO Films specializes in bringing mid-sized independent films to Canadian audiences. It was founded just this year by Alex Bronfman and Matt Orenstein. February takes place “at a girls’ prep school, where two students find themselves stranded after their parents mysteriously fail to retrieve them for winter break.”

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