Last week I concluded my review series of Xavier Dolan’s films with his latest (and possibly most disappointing) effort, It’s Only the End of the World. I have already made my opinions clear on each
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It’s Only the End of the World (Review)
Accomplished filmmaking is a question of consistency on a number of different fronts…but few filmmakers produce consistently accomplished works. It is understandable that a director will not always get things right in the quest of
Continue ReadingMommy (Review)
The relationship between a mother and son is a recurring theme in each of Xavier Dolan’s film. While it may be fleeting in Heartbeats, or part of the greater whole like in Laurence Anyways, it
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A great director must take risks. It helps separate them from the pack, or even solidify a legacy that recognises their achievements and contributions years on…even if the risks aren’t working out so well for
Continue ReadingLaurence Anyways (Review)
In my mixed review of Heartbeats last week, I said that if young auteur Xavier Dolan could direct a film that balances the more refined storytelling of Heartbeats, with the character development of his debut
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It is week two of my Xavier Dolan series, having begun last week with his film feature debut, I Killed My Mother. Despite minor flaws, I was immensely impressed with the young director’s film, eager
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