(Via CNW) The ANIMAZE/Le Montreal International Animation Film Festival[will run April 16-19 at, and near, Concordia University. It’s Montreal’s first to be exclusively focused on animation in both cinema and technology. More than just a film festival, it also offers industry conferences, and the MIAFF’s promotion of linkages between Montreal-based animators and related specialists, as well as this year’s international partners. And they are international, including participants from South Africa, Japan, Israel, Iran and Germany, and Argentina along with a strong showing of local animators. There’s a special competition for student animators as well.
Laurie Gordon, one of the minds behind the project (along with the Animaze Team) says, “Being a Montrealer, and a film producer, I envisaged le MIAFF! to celebrate animation in all its forms whether through film and technology, video games… all very strong industries in Montreal. Le MIAFF/ANIMAZE unites all of these sectors for great celebration in Montreal facilitating interplay among the various players and bringing together everyone engaged in animation in all its forms, while providing an opportunity to promote such a key sector of Montreal’s economy and culture.”
You can read more about it here at the MIAFF site.
The festival is part of a whole-city initiative called Printemps numérique, or Digital Spring in English, designed to showcase Montreal’s digital creativity. Several groups are partnering with the Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ). (The regional government group that advises the Province — guess there’s no name for it in English.)wpdevart_like_box profile_id=”” connections=”6″ width=”300″ height=”550″ header=”0″ locale=”en_US”] (MIAFF)