
Crazy 8’s Wrapping Up

As of last weekend, six film shoots have finished production. These 6 film shoots are all about different stories, but they all have one thing that links them together: They’re all part of Crazy 8’s. People say when you make a short film in Vancouver, the best way to get a good start at a career in filmmaking is to enter Crazy 8’s. Why is it called Crazy 8’s? Simple. You only have 8 days to make it. And those days are guaranteed to be Crazy. If you can handle 72 or 48 hour film shoots, then give this one a try. The process is simple. Simply sign up with a submission of your idea, be sure to give a stunning pitch, and if your concept catches the interest of the panel, you’ll be one of six lucky teams to get your idea made. From there, it’s a hectic weekend of shooting followed by some more hectic post-production and some occasional media approaching you for an interview. eh-heh.

Interestingly enough, several connections I have are on 3 different teams of Crazy 8’s for this year, and I’ve learned quite a lot from the three teams as they’ve been quite common on my news feed. All of them have posted frequently on their progress showing the feel of Crazy 8’s crazy riffraff. The gala is coming up fast at more than a week away. Be sure to attend as nobody ever wants to miss something like that. Happening February 24th, 7:00 PM at The Centre on Homer St. Aside from short films there will be an afterparty at Science World. In the meantime, stay tuned for some interviews by Darren, and check out this link for more exciting details.

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