(Via Wireservice.ca) If you’ve got a great idea for an animated kids’ TV series, you’re invited to submit a proposal (or maybe even two) to this year’s Pitch THIS!, where creators get a chance to present their ideas to experts and audience members at TAC (The Animation Conference). The two winners get a development deal (thanks to Corus, a longtime partner with the Ottawa International Animation Festival), plus Toon Boom animation software to help with the job. TAC runs September 21-23, and entry deadline is August 15th. More details here.
(Via PRNewswire) dubdub, a new free app from the company of the same name, can edit 90-second clips for you while you’re on the go and even process them almost instantly too.You don’t need any video making experience — the basics of editing are featured in dubdub. Users can cut and sort segments into certain orders, add voiceover recordings or even songs from the official dubsound library, and even add text and images to their videos. Download it here.
(We’re hoping to bring you a product review soon, telling how the app stacks up against professional equipment and techniques.)