Montreal’s film industry is doing nicely out of the low Canadian dollar, CJAD 800’s Shuyee Lee reports, with “an estimated total of $300-million in productions and economic spinoffs for 2015 alone.”
Also in Montreal, Turbo Kid got a standing ovation at Fantasia Friday night, as we learn from this updated CBC story.
Congratulations to all the teams who took part in Run & Gun, Vancouver’s 48-hour film competition that was held over the weekend. Full disclosure: That includes HNMag staff member Nick Wangersky. The contest is sponsored by This is a Spoon Studios.
MFM reports the Ontario Arts Council is looking for a Northeastern Representative. Check it out if you’d like a job working with the arts community in that region.
Speaking of arts jobs — Darren Wiesner talks to costume set supervisor Dawn Climie about her day to day work. It begins way before any clothes get pulled off the rack — with the script, in fact. Read it all here.
In-camera video display has not kept pace with technology, and using a monitor while you’re filming can be cumbersome. The Video Devices PIX-E Series sets out to fix that with a range of compact camera-mount HDMI and SDI recording monitors, the company has announced via PRWeb, “but the real bonus feature is their ability to record 4k in super high quality Apple ProRes.” They’ll go on sale this summer.