
3 Undeniable Benefits of Watching Movies & Finding Your New Favorites

Going to the cinema or streaming a movie via your favorite platform is an essential ritual in today’s world. Sharing a laugh with your loved ones and crying at the climax of an emotional film is something truly amazing. But why are movies so valuable to us these days?

Most people would say it’s because “they’re a way to relieve boredom,” correct, but research also shows that online searches for “Oscar nominations” has doubled over the past ten years. Undoubtedly, nothing is entertaining about the Oscars. So, what’s the force behind our never-ending love for movies?

It’ll surprise you to know that the benefits are directly linked to why we watch them.

Here’s what I mean:

Movies Broaden Our Scope of Understanding

The number of things we can learn from watching movies is astonishing. Some films take us back in time to events we never witnessed, while others stretch our thinking beyond our current level of reasoning.

An excellent example of a movie that took us back in time is “Roots,” an award-winning piece that depicts the inhumane business of slave trading from the captive’s perspective. While a good movie that stretched the thinking of most of its viewers is the iconic “Game of Thrones,” a series about medieval rulers and their battle for dominance.

Although the relief from boredom that movies bring is an invaluable benefit, the new perspective on things is another advantage that cannot be overlooked. In other words, films change the way we perceive our world, and also inspires us on new ways to reshape it – irrespective of the movie’s timeline.

Movies are a Social Experience

Remember back then in high school when everyone talked about the latest movies, maybe Terminator 2, and you were probably the only person who hadn’t seen it yet? Well, movies are another reason for people to communicate and discuss personal interests on a relatable level.

Although most people prefer to stream popular movies online than watch it in the cinema, it doesn’t stop it from being a social experience thanks to discussion forums and social media platforms. Besides, streaming also facilitates a movie to find a larger audience online. The film “Roma” gained popularity amongst mainstream viewers after its release in 2018. This popularity was a result of streaming platforms suggesting the movie to mainstream viewers worldwide.

Ultimately, just like sports, movies are an active catalyst in social interactions. Unfortunately, it’s relatively difficult to get credible movie recommendations that suit your taste. Luckily, I found a site that you can get personalized movie recommendations from, you should check them out.

Apps to Get Personalized Movie Recommendations

Rewatching a Movie Is a Healthy Experience

A study in 2012 revealed that rewatching a movie is both healthy and relaxing for the mind since it spends less power processing the plot. In other words, the predictability is comforting. Make sure to remember that fact the next time someone complains about you binging the Harry Potter series for the 200th time.

The satisfying nostalgia created by the simple act of rewatching also has a positive effect on your personality. Common fact reveals that nostalgia is associated with melancholy and wistfulness; however, recent studies suggest that it’s also linked to a positive outlook, higher self-esteem, and improved connection with family and friends.

Final Thoughts

Whenever you read about the movies in the magazine, you’ll often hear about several health risks, including the possibility of you becoming obsessed after a few years. Although these adverse side effects are possible if consumed excessively, it does not negate the fact that this visual form of entertainment has its merits.

Our appreciation for art and admiration of something unique and beautiful is another reason why movies are thrilling to watch. It’s not just a form of entertainment; it’s a way to connect with the world and ourselves for a positive social change.

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