Whether people like to admit it or not casinos have played a significant role in pop culture. Establishments or classic games have been featured in many movies, books and even songs, which are all active elements of pop culture. The casino industry has been booming the moment it introduced online casinos like www.novicasino.com, and many others. These sites give casinos enthusiasts the right amount of games and bonuses which combined can bring these enthusiasts big prizes. The stories of the winners of these prizes serve as inspiration for many movies.
Casinos and the Film Industry
Movies are one of the elements of pop culture. People love watching them because they’re a great way of having fun with your friends. Crime movies always get a large audience because they give people a glimpse of what it’s like to live a life of crime. Some of these movies were inspired by the stories of hardcore gangsters back in the day. These gangsters managed to establish their casinos which is why to make the movies about them more authentic casinos were featured in the movies.
But not all casino games are played legally in land-based casinos. Poker is one of those games that gets played illegally and this served as a story for one of the best gambler movies made – Rounders, starring John Malkovich, Matt Damon, and Edward Norton. Other notable titles that include casinos and casino games include the Ocean’s Trilogy, Casino, 21, Hard Eight, The Hustler and many more.
The Influence on Music
Even today some celebrities don’t shy away from a good casino game. Musicians were also inspired by the fast-paced games played at casinos. The king of rock’ n’ roll himself even dedicated a song to Sin City itself titled Viva Las Vegas. The immortal Motorhead’sLemmyKilmister wrote a song about the most important card in poker titled Ace of Spades. These are only two examples of how casinos and their games have inspired famous musicians or bands.
Casinos in the World of Literature
This is where the inspiration from casinos shines through. There’s a list of writers that enjoyed a card game or two at some prestigious casino establishments and one of them is none other than Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He used his experiences in the many glamourous casino establishments in Europe to write The Gambler one of his most famous novels.
Blackjack is one of the many popular casino games and counting cards is something that isn’t tolerated in land-based casinos. So what do these two things have in common? The MIT Blackjack Team was a group of MIT students who learned this skill and made off with quite a few money in their pockets. These events were the inspiration for a book titled Bringing Down the House which later spawned its film titled 21 starring Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth.
When taking the previous things under consideration anyone can see that casinos and pop culture are sharing a pretty interesting relationship. Since pop culture is something that’s always changing there will be plenty of collaboration between both parties in the future.