It’s been a while since I covered an event like this, but it’s been an even longer time since I covered VBAFF, so it was about time I got back. VBAFF is officially 10 years
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VBAFF – That’s what I call Badass!
Okay, so there’s a Jewish film festival, a Queer film festival, a web festival, and some documentary festivals here and there, but there’s never any particular festival that celebrates the edginess and intensity of horror
Continue ReadingExclusive – David Aboussafy Talks Film
When you start making feature films it’s a good idea to have a distributor in place. They can help you secure financing and assist with marketing. If the film is amazing you might also recoup
Continue ReadingSound the Alarm, Vancouver Badass Film Festival is Coming
If you’ve attended the Vancouver Badass Film Festival before then you’ll be thrilled to know that it is returning for its fourth year. Nowhere else can you see films that satisfy the adrenaline junkie like
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