
Heart Goes Out Vol. 1 (Review with Trailer)

Eddie Augustin’s short film about a young girl named Nikkie (Jenny Yueran Zhang) as she’s on the verge of dying is somewhat unsettling.

It all began back when Nikkie was a young child and her family moved from China to the States. Things are upsetting at first as she adjusts to her new lifestyle, but she meets Mary (Lili Tee) and Chu (Andy Chanhmala), and her life gets turned around. Later on, things change again as Nikkie is still in high school and her two friends are more focused on college courses. Also Chu and Mary don’t fully get along in their relationship, struggling all the way. Then one night the relationship takes a turn for the worse. All because of a letter Nikkie tried to write to Chu. What happens next is things get somewhat more chaotic for everybody.

The story is truly dramatic and nerve racking. The characters show quite the amount of frustration with each other as the story expands, however there’s not much story to expand. With the random scene of a motorcycle race preparation in the middle I was expecting a little bit of something like out of the Kamen Rider series. But it was so short there wasn’t a whole lot of development. A little more story showing friendship over the years would’ve been interesting. It was a short film which looks like part of a series, because the title includes Vol. 1.. Judging by the trailer for the next excerpt, this is a series about Asians who take things to the extreme. Seems kind of gripping.

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