If you’re familiar with the TV series Once Upon A Time, then you’ve seen Zoic Studios at their best. They’ve recently wrapped on their 100th episode. Quite a milestone for a company with humble beginnings.
Andrew Orloff is a co-founder of Zoic and originally began his career as an animator and 3D artist. In 2002 Zoic was born in an L.A. office and has now expanded to New York and Vancouver. Andrew now works out of the Vancouver office full time and commutes daily between Washington State and the studio located in Gastown.
“How do you go about choosing the right people for your studio?”
“We hire people based on their demo reels and not certificates or diplomas. We want to see your work.”
This was a refreshing answer in a world where film schools tend to push high tuition costs in exchange for promises of success due to a diploma from their institution. If you are dedicated to your craft and work from home, it will shine through.
In addition to working on Once Upon A Time, Zoic also contributes to The 100, The Arrow, Falling Skies and multiple other productions.
All employees of Zoic are either Canadian citizens, permanent residents or transitioning into it.
“What is the best part of your job, Andrew?”
“When we get a new script and are privy to seeing what we’re working on next and discuss how we’ll creatively achieve that. That’s the adrenaline rush.”
(To be continued tomorrow)