(Via WireService.ca) The Animation Conference (TAC) committee is accepting submissions for Pitch This!, a program that offers animation producers potential career-changing pitching opportunities.
At TAC in Ottawa this September, the two producers selected by the committee will “have 10 minutes each to pitch their ideas to over 250 potential buyers, financiers, partners, and industry professionals, and a panel of today’s top influencers (last year’s panel included representatives from Nickolodeon, TELETOON, Amazon, and PBS)”, according to a media release.
Since they’re looking for children’s entertainment, a jury of kids will also be there to give live feedback.
To be more specific, the committee is seeking proposals “geared for children ages 6-12” that “must include a synopsis, bios of key project executives, a short paragraph detailing the project’s current stage of development, and 2-3 samples of concept art.” You can read the full requirements at the TAC site, which also has info on Fast Track, an opportunity for TAC passholders to “meet privately with all your targets in one shot.”
The deadline for Pitch This! entries is July 15th. You can email your proposals to presentations@animationfestival.ca.
9 Story Entertainment is collaborating with TAC on this project.
Athena Georgakalis, Director of Content for TELETOON and former PITCH THIS! panelist, says, “For the pitchee, the exposure is excellent. They pitch not only to the panelists but to everyone in the room and opportunities have been created because of moments like these.”