
Gift Cards Galore via SCENE online

Who remembers the good old days when we went to movie theatres and used our SCENE cards to get some points that would go to free movies and free snacks? It seems like just yesterday… oh wait, no it doesn’t. But the more important matter is there’s a new e-commerce experience. So what is it SCENE is doing? Well, they’re redeeming points for online movies on Cineplex.com but they are also offering a new treatment where members of SCENE can now redeem their points for gift cards. Not just for Cineplex gift cards in particular, but for Dining cards and gift cards involving retailers. Partners will include clothing stores like Old Navy and Roots, shoe stores like Foot Locker, and even bookstores like Indigo. Getting cards for you or someone else is as easy as 1,2,3. You can log into the official SCENE website, choose the cards you would like to order and the cards will be emailed right over. Go there now and do some online shopping. At least these are some orders that possibly can’t be delayed.

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