Hot Pursuit – Starring Reese Witherspoon as a strict serious cop and Sofia Vergara as a drug boss’s widow, the two women rush around Texas to avoid getting caught by crooked police officers and plain old crooks. Sounds like a lot of fun already — preview audiences really enjoyed it.
Far from the Madding Crowd – Based on a classic novel by Thomas Hardy, this movie shows how a woman named Bathsheba Everdene explores relationships and makes her decisions of passion. It also depicts how humans have the strength from within to overcome hardships during dark times. She attracts a sheep farmer, a sergeant who doesn’t always think straight, and a single man who prospers hard and stays focused. This is certainly a good movie for anyone who’s looking for a romantic drama. Critics seem to be giving it good reviews and enjoying the delivery of the story.
Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck – Okay, the title does sound a bit abstract but it’s more than one thinks. This movie is actually a biographical documentary that explains the life of musician Kurt Cobain. It has already gotten positive reviews and even won an award at Sundance 2015. The movie was made with the help of Cobain’s family as well as using images and thoughts from Cobain himself, delivered perfectly. The documentary shows how Cobain’s life changed through the years as he became the lead of a rebellious Seattle garage band. Reviewers seem to give this documentary a pretty high rating and I quite like the trailer.
(Remember, anyone who buys a general admission ticket at a Landmark Cinema on Mother’s Day can take their mom along free.)