
How to Choose the Perfect Kids Trampoline

Is the neighborhood FOMO hitting so hard you’ve contemplated actually buying a kids trampoline? Well, this is the place where we give you that extra push towards getting that trampoline. Read our tips and learn to understand the basics of how trampolines work in practice.

Check Age and Weight Limitations

The first question you should ask yourself is whether your kid is old enough to have a trampoline. While there are no strict rules, many manufacturers do not recommend trampolines to anyone below the age of three. Some even extend the age limit to 5 year olds. Usually the manufacturer states their recommendation in manuals and their online store, so you should be able to find the information on it.

There’s also the question of weight limits. If you are getting an inexpensive kids trampoline for a small child, you can probably get the one that floats your boat in other aspects. However, if you want to think about the longevity of your kids’ trampoline or jump on it yourself, it’s good to check what the weight limit is. The best trampolines available in the market have either a high or no weight limit for one user. One example of a no single user weight limit is ACON, a Finnish manufacturer that has focused on creating premium trampolines for kids and adults alike. Anyway, see which manufacturers have a good weight limit policy before buying.

Focus on Safety Features and Enclosures

Once you’ve cleared that your kid is old enough to jump on a trampoline, it’s good to peek into safety features, the most important one being the enclosure. When it comes to enclosures, make sure that:

  • The enclosure net is tightly woven
  • The enclosure walls are high
  • The enclosure poles are padded

Other important safety features are the paddings that are on top of the springs (is the padding durable and thick enough?) as well as the door or access to the kids trampoline (is there a risk that hair or clothes get attached to a zipper?). Naturally, some manufacturers may have additional features, but the ones listed above act as a baseline – something to expect from a good kids trampoline.

Evaluate the Right Size and Shape

Discuss the importance of considering available space for the trampoline.

Provide recommendations on suitable trampoline sizes for different outdoor areas.

Then there’s the question of size and shape. Let’s talk about the shape first, as it is often easier to determine. Depending on the manufacturer, you may have up to five different shape options at your hand. However, the most common ones are round and rectangular kids’ trampolines. Here, you basically have two options.

  • If you want a classic shape where the biggest bounce is in the middle, choose a round kids trampoline.
  • If you want a trampoline where the bounce is even and equal no matter where you jump (aka suitable for beginners to advanced) and are ready to pay more, choose a rectangular kids trampoline.

Once you’ve picked the right shape for you, it’s time to think about the size of your trampoline. Usually, the 10ft size is the first sensible one to buy, although even smaller ones exist. A mid-size trampoline would be around 12-14ft while a large one would be 15ft and over. You can evaluate the correct kids trampoline size by measuring the area where you’d want it to be. Then, add 3ft to each side due to safety reasons. And that’s it! You’ve determined the max size you can get to your backyard.

Think about the Longevity, Durability and Quality

You also need to be looking into the longevity aspect. Ideally, the trampoline should last for years, if not decades. If that’s what you want, then we must tell you that a cheap trampoline won’t do. This is because a kids trampoline that will last requires durable materials, a talented production line as well as hours and hours of research and development work. And that is expensive.

A high quality kids trampoline has a thick frame, well-made welds (please ask for close-up images if not available online), tightly-woven trampoline mat and other materials that are durable yet easy to keep clean. Moreover, some even do a UV-treatment to their products to protect it from the sun. This is crucial to check especially if you live in a sunny part of the world.

Read Reviews and Recommendations

At this point, you should have an idea on what kind of kids trampoline you are looking for. Now it’s time to delve into reviews and recommendations available online. This is because it’s good to know the basics before jumping right into the pool of reviews, as it may be tricky to understand what is meant in the reviews if you don’t know the basic terms.

Simply put, reviews are good in either supporting or debunking your opinion on a certain topic, or in this case, product. Remember to look at reviews from various angles and sources to get the most authentic pieces of information. These reviews should be there for your help, not for scaring you out of a hobby before you’ve even paid for the trampoline.

Kids trampoline is an investment that pays off in laughter and joy

To be honest, it’s more than just buying a product when you invest in a kids trampoline. It’s about creating memories and having fun together. By considering:

  • age and weight limitations
  • safety features
  • the right size and shape
  • durability, and
  • reading reviews,

you can make an informed decision and choose a kids trampoline that will provide endless hours of fun. So go ahead and make the leap!

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