Depending on what kind of person a person is, they can have a distinct impression on another person. That impression may be different to other people. For instance, I know somebody who I consider a nuisance but other people seem to enjoy his company, somehow…
Ultimately, what kind of impressions you leave on a person depends on how you interact with them, and how they interact with you. Maybe this is the reason why we still deal with bullying, racism, and judgemental people in this day and age. It feels like people are getting more sensitive about it though, but that’s another topic for another review. Today’s review is on local filmmaker Bijan Karim’s short Three Distinct Impressions.
First off, we get introduced to Parker (Bijan Karim), who’s out for a smoke and looking for a place to spend the night. Clearly, he’s never stalked the starlit nights like I have and pulled all-night walks. Parker finds a familiar house and decides to head over getting an idea to spend the night with his ex-girlfriend, Sydney (Jacqueline Welbers). Sydney tries to remind him it’s all over and attempts to talk him into leaving but the rain is only getting heavier and Sydney begrudgingly accepts Parker inside. There, she tells him she has found a new partner, a girl named Rachita (Kellen Jackson) who plays bass. The two argue quite a while and Sydney gives Parker a new job in going to a party where Rachita is to return her lost wallet. It’s only fitting that Parker is going there too so he meets a guy there who gives quite an impression of Rachita being a chatterbox. Parker’s first impression on the guy isn’t any better when the guy discovers Parker just stole his watch and suggests he steer clear of where Rachita is. After asking a couple more guests and getting in trouble with a guy he owes money, Parker finally finds Rachita looking through a box and lies about the reason he’s seeing her. Rachita doesn’t seem the least bit interested in him at first but Parker engages in conversation with her and tries to get to know her better.
Like a couple of Bijan’s other films, both short and long, it focuses on the free spirits at younger ages and has an interesting way of being showcased. The story and shots are simplistic, the music is pretty silky smooth, and the intense moments, while very few are in them add to an interesting feel from the usual mellow one gets from simplistic films. There’s an interesting mix of different colours through different levels of the house where the party is and even the blue of Sydney’s house gives a feeling of loneliness when you realize the two just weren’t meant to be. There’s a lot to be figured out in this film, but the most important lesson one learns is distinct impressions aren’t always what one would expect of someone else. First impressions can be confusing at first themselves.
Watch Three Distinct Impressions and see what kind of impression it gives you.