One of the best things about covering Fate was how much I got to talk to people about it as well as how many. Next on our list is James Van Patten, aka Jimmy Van Patten. I had to ask him all kinds of cool questions and learn about more his role as the film as well more about him in general. It was just as insightful as the chats with Jonathan and I’m happy to share the details on the interview with you.
HNMAG: Can you tell me what your role is in Fate?
James Van Patten: I’m mostly asked to talk about the story, but my role is actually two roles.
HNMAG: You have two roles in this?
James Van Patten: Yeah. Because in a way, I’m the same person but at a different time. It spans 70 years, this film. It has people in another reality. That’s one way of putting it.
HNMAG: And how did it feel to be in Vancouver for this shoot?
James Van Patten: It was great. I got a chance to finally come back here at working. I’ve been an actor since I was a child. A kid actor that did Disney movies, TV and theatre. I did everything as a kid, and kept going all the way until later in life. I think I was 23 years old, I was in Vancouver and shooting a movie here.
HNMAG: Oh yeah? Which movie in particular?
James Van Patten: The Young Warriors. I was the lead in it, and it was an action kind of violence, it was kind of in the days that they had death-wish movies, that kind of thing. Getting revenge on the bad guys, and so anyways, I did it with Ernest Borgnine, Richard Roundtree but anyways, I loved working here then. I was thinking, “Oh! I’m going back to Vancouver” then I thought, “Wait that was a long time ago, it’s probably way different…” but it’s really not, it still has the same charm.
HNMAG: So when you returned, you must have really enjoyed yourself here.
James Van Patten: Well, we were on Vancouver Island and I loved that place. I didn’t really know of it, I never met so many nice people, it’s amazing. When I came here, I just ran. Put my running shoes on and just checked out the whole city. The boardwalk along the water, just checked out such a great town.
HNMAG: It truly is. Any particular landmarks you favour around here?
James Van Patten: Hmm, I would say the boardwalk, definitely Stanley Park. Awesome, just awesome. One of the best parks I’ve ever seen. I’m originally from New York and Central Park was considered one of the best parks.
HNMAG: What about the set in Victoria? What was that like?
James Van Patten: Oh, it was AMAZING. It looks amazing and it was like a fairy tale. I mean, I noticed the two lead actors Brian and Janet, they looked so great together. It was like looking at a great Disney movie, I thought it was even cartoon-like… Snow White. She has that look, and I thought they looked so good together. This is going to be a really great fantasy, and love story. The castle was great, I heard they’ve shot a lot of movies there.
HNMAG: Are there any other locations around here or in Canada you’d like to check out?
James Van Patten: I like to surf, so I’m able to I’d love to get to Tofini. I’ve heard about it for many years, but now that I’m here it would be a great day to get down there and check it out. I have a nephew that’s going to be in the same movie. He’s going to be playing one of the firemen, his name is Duke Van Patton, he’s a professional surfer and so we’re going to be working the same days at the end of this film. Maybe after the two of us after will go to Tofini.
So it seems there’s quite a few family connections in this film, especially with Jonathan the director and his daughter. Now James and his nephew, which is pretty interesting. James even stated how he grew up in an acting family, his father was Dick Van Patton, who had a lot of roles in just about anything. But he was also a family man who wanted to make sure there was a part for any of his 8 children and they learned everything about showbiz from him. James also went on to recall Inconceivable, which Faye and Sienna were both involved in. He said just how well Sienna acted because she really wants to get into this.
HNMAG: So you two must’ve worked on set a lot of times together.
James Van Patten: Once I realized I had this role, and Jonathan knew I was doing the role, he said: “You’re actually going to be her father, in a few of her scenes. It’d be great if you could help her with her lines. You were a child actor, so tell me what you think. Maybe you guys could go and hang out.” so we did. We went to a park, I worked on the lines with her just like my dad did with me when I was a child actor. It was fun, we kind of bonded, and I felt like “Wow, this really could be my kid.” so it does help to work on things before.
HNMAG: Fate talks about true love and saving your soul. Did you all feel you could connect to the subject matter?
James Van Patten: Yes. They don’t make these kinds of movies anymore, it makes you think of films like Gone With The Wind, or just in the old days they had real romantic fairytale love stories. This is a unique movie by the way, but it also has that feel of that old romantic way of doing movies. Where the leads are really great looking people and it reminds me of old Hollywood.
HNMAG: So you’re experiencing something from the past that’s taking place now. Do you find these types of films more fascinating?
James Van Patten: Yes. I really loved the script when I read it, and because it’s got a little of the supernatural in it. A lot of supernatural, and the love story works. You believe it. That’s it, and since we’ve been shooting it, I confirm that it works because you never know until the actors show up on the set, and I feel like it’s clicking. It’s good chemistry.
HNMAG: You mentioned working on Inconceivable with Faye and Sienna. So you’re all familiar with each other and work well together?
James Van Patten: Yeah, it’s exciting that Faye Dunaway’s going to be in another movie. To me, that’s a real movie star, and she’s been in so many great films. I think of Bonnie and Clyde, Network was one of top ten favourite movies. She’s like a real movie star, you know, I don’t feel like too many people have that.
HNMAG: Were there any emotional moments on set that were too much to take at times?
James Van Patten: Not yet. (laughs) You never know. It’s very difficult shooting a movie with a lot of people. Lot of stuff going on, but when you get through it, it’s a miracle.
HNMAG: Do you feel this shoot has been going smoothly?
James Van Patten: I think I’ve always had a feeling about it and it’s starting to come true. The name of the movie is Fate and a lot of things have been just meant to be. They didn’t have certain actors until very last minute and they’ve had other actors in those roles. All the big stars, and then for some reason all the other stars had to leave and they couldn’t do the movie. It all happened in the last week, could’ve just been a disaster. Then even bigger actors came popping in out of nowhere. That’s gotta be fate because you just can’t get those people with names. They only have a few days to start concentrating on their lines but, they did it.
James said everyone acted very professional and that everything Jonathan wanted, he was certainly getting more.
HNMAG: This is going to be the second to last film for Jonathan. How does it feel to be in this and have you had this experience before?
James Van Patten: No, but he’s been saying that a lot. I’m trying to figure out what he’s talking about. He’s got this big picture that he’s been wanting to do for a very long time. To him, that is going to be the ultimate movie. It’s going to be a BIG epic.
HNMAG: How do you manage to balance things out for shoot days?
James Van Patten: I just think about it all the time. I think about what I’m going to say when I’m in a scene the night before I go to sleep. I get there and I become more of the character when I get into wardrobe. I walk out there and I just start feeling it. I’ve been doing it my whole life and it’s just sort of like you do what you know.
HNMAG: What do you hope the audience will take away from this?
James Van Patten: I hope we’re right in thinking this is going to be a really great love story, that it’s going to make them think about life and death. For sure. What happens after where you go.
HNMAG: It definitely has YOU thinking and you seem to be inspired.
James Van Patten: Yeah, very inspired for this picture.
HNMAG: And will there plans to get together afterwards in celebrating the big release?
James Van Patten: Huh, I haven’t thought about that. I would imagine when there’s a first screening, that’s a pretty big celebration. It’s going to be in theatres, so it’s gotta have a screening somewhere.
HNMAG: What do you see coming for you in the future after this role?
James Van Patten: Depends how this turns out. Actually, I produced and wrote and starred in called “7 Days to Vegas” with my brother Vince. We played in it together, and it came out really really well. It’s won a few awards, is still streaming now, and now we are doing the next one. We’ve been doing that for a few years.
HNMAG: Sounds like you’re getting into filmmaking yourself.
James Van Patten: Yeah, I make films as well.
HNMAG: Why do you make your own films?
James Van Patten: We find it more satisfying, and feel like they’re not making good movies anymore. I honestly believe that they’re not doing what they used to be able to do. For some reason. It’s more rare now to say “Hey I just saw a great movie!” so we think we can make great movies. That’s what we do, and what we’ve always wanted to do. My brother and I.
HNMAG: Now back to Fate, it’s really more out there compared to other films. Why do YOU feel that is?
James Van Patten: He’s had this script for a LONG time and now the time is right. This is it. Fate’s going to be made. It’s been going around for many years. Another thing about this movie: As far as movies go, it’s big. Because it’s like old Hollywood, a feel of a big movie. Not just a whole bunch of characters, but things. Especially the castle on Vancouver Island. It really helps, was just a great place to have that as the main place.
Surely enough, Fate sounds exciting, and it will be a fateful film. I hope these interviews got you excited for the movie, but there’s more I have to share. Wait until next week when I tell some stories of how casting went for Jonathan, and just how he got some of these actors. Also check out 7 Days to Vegas if you can. We’ve got some time before Fate comes out.