This 15-minute comedy explores the after effects of dating. Its been called the ho-mance, the female version of the bro-mance. The premise of the story has two actresses going through break-ups. They realize they don’t need their men to validate them, instead they are happier on their own.
Laura Adkins wrote and produced it. She hired Lisa five days prior to going to picture.
Lisa Ovies has directed eight films, a 10-episode web series, multiple short films and two features. I’d say she’s qualified.
When the script couldn’t garnish financing from Crazy8’s film festival, Laura decided to raise the financing on their own. After crowd-funding approximately $3000, Laura kicked in a few more of her own.
Pre-production began and lasted three months before the long days of shooting began. They started in Aug. – Sept. 2014 and finished reshoots in January. The actresses had to wear skimpy outfits and look like they were still enjoying the summer. They were pros.
Made with a crew of 15, shot locally in Vancouver and the Olympic Village. As well, they shot inside the Salmon and Banic.
Lisa tends to direct horror. Having this film run the festival circuit will demonstrate Lisa’s directing versatility, as well as showcase Laura’s comedy writing and acting.
They used approximately 10 of the city’s best actors available and the film has had a great response from the VIWFF.
It was captured on RED.
Stirling Bancroft was the DP.