- Robert Fulford looks at “what we talk about when we talk about Birdman” in the National Post
- David Berry (same place) figures that if you can still call them “films”, you can also call them “moving pictures”, but still . . . this year’s Oscar night was a little too backward-looking
- Therapist Elizabeth Lamotte says watching the right movie can give you enough space from your mental health problems to ignite a dramatic psychological shift (WaPo via Vancouver Sun)
- Popcornflix announces, via PRNewswire, that the free app they’re releasing today lets you stream movies and TV on PlayStation®4 (PS4™) and PlayStation®3 (PS3™) systems . . . yes, even in Canada
- Get your photos and videos off your smartphone or tablet and onto a smart, custom flash drive or DVD with the new QuickFlics app . . . yes, even in Canada (via PRWeb)
- As usual, Pixel Film Studios has some new stuff to enhance your use of Final Cut Pro X: ProPyro Volume 2 to put fireworks displays in your videos without, you know, setting off any real fireworks, and three new theme templates: Be Mine, Picture Show, and Thinking of You (via PRWeb)
- How did I miss this? Well, the CBC didn’t, but unlike me it has the use of my tax dollars . . . where was I? Oh yes — Canadian Sniper, by Jeff Ayars and Dan Rosen, otherwise known as Cannibal Milkshake. Just watch it.
- And we’ll give the last word to Lauren Holly, speaking with the Victoria Times-Colonist. Now a permanent resident of Canada, she says there’s less pressure here on women to change their looks.
“If I still lived in L.A., I’m not sure what I would look like.”