
More on Gratwick’s Crowd Sourced Casting

(Via PRWeb) Gratwick Films, in an innovation we touched on a couple days ago, has developed an online, “crowd sourced” casting process dubbed Social Casting, and is using it to choose actors for its next film, Just Drive. It’s both an effort to break free from traditional methods of open casting calls and a natural result of the industry shift towards the broad acceptance of crowdfunding film. The company hopes this will have a significant impact on the future of the independent film industry.

“[I]f we collaborate with the crowd to cast the actors they want to see and support, sales numbers won’t dictate our cast, talent and the audience will,” says Kris Hulbert of Gratwick, adding that the company hopes a supportive community will blossom from the process.

The crowd casting began on June 1st and is currently underway on the film’s official site. (You will need to sign up with your email address.) Several video auditions are already posted and more are coming. Live auditions in Los Angeles will be streamed on YouTube, then uploaded. Auditions can also be submitted online; complete requirements for actors are on the site.

Just Drive, which is described as a “contained thriller”, is a story about a would be Hollywood whistle blower who is forced to choose between his life and his legacy when Machiavellian forces attempt to end his ride.

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