
Sale Gueule (Review)

It’s time for another story that takes place years ago. Like one of the last things I watched, it’s about two unlikely associates. I guess the French Canadians have taken a new pace at artistic nature. In 1921 somewhere in the sea, the film opens up with a man named explaining his own personal hell, which is in a lighthouse. Now Loik (Rossif Sutherland) with his scarred face and grim expression looks like a tough guy from any great superhero film. And he’s on duty to watch as the sea fights to take the lighthouse down. That’s how he describes it, at least.

But Loik wasn’t at the lighthouse in the beginning. And he also isn’t the only one living there. Because a long time ago, he met with an elderly sea captain named Morlaix (Marcel Sabourin), who watches everything from the lighthouse. While Loik may look like a traditional badass himself Morlaix is more like a tough guy himself being an unfair tyrant towards Loik. And so begins Loik’s many years of pain and misery working in a lighthouse.

Lois’s daily routine consists of working with Morlaix who bosses him around. One day in particular, a storm arises and lasts for days. Morlaix watches over the sea for signs of life while Loik is left to watch the rotating fire on his own, even though he’s not ready as of yet. The days go on as Loik learns a lot more about Morlaix and what he’s like. But once they get along, Morlaix gets weakened by a sea demon and has to leave Loik in charge of the lighthouse as he slowly weakens away.

A very dark film that had a lot of story to it and seemed chilling at the same time. However I don’t know whether to find it creepy or somewhat amusing that the whole film was made with puppetry featuring big-headed puppets with slit-like mouths that only made one shape. But I guess the puppetry isn’t too much of an issue considering the scenery of the crashing waves around the lighthouse is more interesting to watch. In fact, it seems like the sea is probably the best actor in this whole film. They say the sea works in mysterious ways and there’s some very mysterious feelings one gets from watching this.

Image courtesy of DTL on Morguefile

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